Amazing "show what you know" assignments coming in...

Including this short video from Nicole Ashley Aube. More to come...

Tuna conservation "mockery"

Thanks to Sarah Weston for e-mailing this BBC article to me. It is an interesting (albeit sad) update on the status of the the bluefin tuna conservation efforts (or lack thereof).

In the event you might be interested...

Environmental stewardship in Nova Scotia:
A review of community-based monitoring

Cathy Conrad, PhD
Associate Professor Geography Department Saint Mary's University

Friday, November 28 at 4:00 pm
Room 1014, Kenneth C. Rowe Management Bldg
6100 University Avenue

This presentation will draw upon experiences from the Community-Based Environmental Monitoring Network, housed within the Department of Geography at Saint Mary's University. Over 50 organized environmental stewardship organizations across Nova Scotia are actively engaged in environmental monitoring and stewardship. It has been well documented that the integration of meaningful public participation into environmental management is not only important but also critical for sustainable development and perhaps even one of the most significant developments in resource management since the beginning of the environmental movement. Based on experiences with watershed organizations in the Nova Scotia over the past four years, common benefits, challenges and recommendations for successful citizen science were compiled.

A word (or two) about Washington

So I think it is fair to say that everyone had an amazing trip to Washington. I want to
thank Emma Hicks for randomly posting about the Sant Ocean Hall. I guess what she might
not have known at the time is that I like to take good ideas and literally run with them.
You only live once, right?
This was my first time in Washington and I was thoroughly impressed. One of the best experiences (well, a close second to Obama anyway), was experiencing this with a group of amazing people. I am starting to compile many of your photos and plan to prepare a proper video (accompanied by a proper soundtrack) but in the meantime, I put together a montage of some of my photos. The music gets redundant and it ends abruptly: stay tuned for something far better that will be a part of a reunion "Pictures and Pitchers" event in January. Thank you all for being great students, and for being so engaged in the learning experiences that this trip provided for us all.
Click to play Washington 2008

My Photo
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Blog was initiated as part of the inaugural "Sustainability Across the Curriculum" workshop, held at SMU on May 12, 2010. This is part of the Teacher Scholar programme for 2010-2011. If you have any posts, curriculum, ideas or inspired content that you would like to include, please send it to Dr. Cathy Conrad, the 2010-2011 Teaching Scholar, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography. I look forward to moderating this site and linking useful and relevant information. I hope you find it useful!


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