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0 Comments Published by CBEMN on Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 5:37 PM.
Environmental stewardship in Nova Scotia:
A review of community-based monitoring
Cathy Conrad, PhD
Associate Professor Geography Department Saint Mary's University
Friday, November 28 at 4:00 pm
Room 1014, Kenneth C. Rowe Management Bldg
6100 University Avenue
This presentation will draw upon experiences from the Community-Based Environmental Monitoring Network, housed within the Department of Geography at Saint Mary's University. Over 50 organized environmental stewardship organizations across Nova Scotia are actively engaged in environmental monitoring and stewardship. It has been well documented that the integration of meaningful public participation into environmental management is not only important but also critical for sustainable development and perhaps even one of the most significant developments in resource management since the beginning of the environmental movement. Based on experiences with watershed organizations in the Nova Scotia over the past four years, common benefits, challenges and recommendations for successful citizen science were compiled.
A review of community-based monitoring
Cathy Conrad, PhD
Associate Professor Geography Department Saint Mary's University
Friday, November 28 at 4:00 pm
Room 1014, Kenneth C. Rowe Management Bldg
6100 University Avenue
This presentation will draw upon experiences from the Community-Based Environmental Monitoring Network, housed within the Department of Geography at Saint Mary's University. Over 50 organized environmental stewardship organizations across Nova Scotia are actively engaged in environmental monitoring and stewardship. It has been well documented that the integration of meaningful public participation into environmental management is not only important but also critical for sustainable development and perhaps even one of the most significant developments in resource management since the beginning of the environmental movement. Based on experiences with watershed organizations in the Nova Scotia over the past four years, common benefits, challenges and recommendations for successful citizen science were compiled.
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