Stop Global Warming

This site could provide you with some ideas for the "show what you know by what you do" assignment.

12 Responses to “Stop Global Warming”

  1. # Blogger katie*

    Last year in a couple of my classes, the professors showed a video that talked about global warming and the effects on the plants. Some people think it is nothing while other people think it is a bad thing that is going to destroy the plante, then you have big corprate busnisses that try to promote global warming, saying it was a good thing and that it was not having a negative effect on the trees, rather a positive effect. I personally think global warming is a real issue that people need to start dealing with sooner rather than later not to save the planet for us but for our kids and grandchildren.  

  2. # Blogger Scott Sawler

    I agree, Global warming needs to be slowed down. I do not believe it can be stopped (realistically anyways); however I do believe that it can be slowed down. It really is a tricky subject, with regards to determining if we (humans) are solely responsible for this warming effect; however even though this warming may be a natural progression between interglacial and glacial periods I do believe we as humans are obviously speeding up the process. I believe as Dr. Conrad mentioned in her class on thursday that one of the best things that could be done is to educate small children of this problem and that way they will grow up with these things insilled in thier sense of self. I personally do not remember anyone thoughout my elementary years even touching on the concept of global warming. This is a shame as im sure it could have made a difference in many of my classmates opinions of the world in which they live. Something must be done  

  3. # Blogger CBEMN

    Katie and Scott;
    Great discussion you have going...
    It's an issue; it's a huge one; in my opinion, the greatest issue confronting humankind.
    We can't turn back time (as Scott states) but we can alter our course.

  4. # Blogger Chelsea Adams

    I agree with all of you-I think global warming is real, yet often find myself in the debate of wether it is naturally occuring or human induced. As Cathy mentioned in class, we as the educated have the responsiblilty to take an active role in this crisis and the best way to do so, is educating others. An Inconvenient Truth is playing in the MM'AUD on Jan 23rd, $2 so spread the word and maybe others will realize the truth about global warming.  

  5. # Blogger AdamHarris

    That's an awesome movie, very educational, and pretty scary.
    What time is it playing that night Chels?  

  6. # Blogger kelena kelly

    I have friends who think global warming is a good thing because they do not understand its real affects and see it as a increase in heat. Ive forwarded the stop global warming to them in hope that they will read the information, join the petition and hopefully understand that global warming is here, real and requires action.  

  7. # Blogger CBEMN

    7 pm McNally Auditorium. I hope many if not most, ok ALL of you go. What's even more important, though, is to bring someone who doesn't typically hear about this. So that Al Gore isn't only preaching to the converted.

    I was talking with someone just today; trying to convinve them that Canadians need to make global warming a next election issue and she said that countries like India and China are the ones that really need to be doing something about this as well; Canada, the US, Europe...can only do so much. Others need to also make this a responsible issue.

    What do you think?

  8. # Blogger BenClare

    not only should Canada's political parties make this an election issue in the near future, but they'll likely have to. The tories won the minority without establishing an environmental commitment as one of their main issues (accountability, crime, childcare, lower taxes, and a few others). They won't be able to swing another minority without a promise. That's my opinion. Although, there's also the posibility that the Layton/Dion/Duceppe combo could force Baird (new Min. of the Env.) and his cabinet into a must-sign Kyoto situation. Hey, something's gotta happen sometime soon. If it's going to take a fed. election, I'd welcome it.  

  9. # Blogger kelena kelly

    Im posting again since my name wasn't correct.
    I have friends who think global warming is a good thing because they do not understand its real affects and see it as a increase in heat. Ive forwarded the stop global warming to them in hope that they will read the information, join the petition and hopefully understand that global warming is here, real and requires action  

  10. # Blogger jeremytibbetts

    I really think that global warming is an issue that should be dealt with as soon as possible. I read somewhere that many predict the effects of global warming to be irreversible in ten years. I also think that many people only think that it is a problem when its plus 10 in January, and not minus 20 like today. Global warming is an important issue even on the cold days.  

  11. # Blogger Erinn

    The movie was such an eye opener and reminder that we are doing this to our selves and to everything around us. The part about the polar bears made me feel sick! And the pictures of glaciers were intense! The whole movie was intense and overwhelming! Wow!  

  12. # Blogger Abeyna

    For those of us who are not fully aware of the potentially catastrophic effects of global warming, Gore vividly puts them into perspective while describing nature’s interconnectivity. He highlights human’s destructive contributions that are causing the rate of this naturally occurring cycle to increase by alarming proportion. Unfortunately, our profit driven economy is also our decision making tool and until we are forced to deal with the life threatening effects of global warming on a personal level, they will remain “An Inconvenient Truth”.


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Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Blog was initiated as part of the inaugural "Sustainability Across the Curriculum" workshop, held at SMU on May 12, 2010. This is part of the Teacher Scholar programme for 2010-2011. If you have any posts, curriculum, ideas or inspired content that you would like to include, please send it to Dr. Cathy Conrad, the 2010-2011 Teaching Scholar, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography. I look forward to moderating this site and linking useful and relevant information. I hope you find it useful!


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