Global Warning

So the IPCC report came out today. And the media around the world is reporting the results. Let's move forward from the science and think about, discuss, and use our imaginations to effect change. It begins now.

Listen to the summary from the co-convenors of the IPCC meeting here, which can be accessed from the main IPCC web site (look at the right-hand-side bar). I will be summarizing the findings of all the reports next week. You can start to think about what actions you can take; here is a good place to start

5 Responses to “Global Warning”

  1. # Blogger Josh Blakeney

    i hate to say it , but i feel like even with this report comming out there will be very few companies that will actually change thier ways. the only way things will change is if our governments make a law and enforce it. ENFORCE is the key word.  

  2. # Blogger Andrea Coombs

    It's about time they conclude unequivically that humans are driving climate change - I know we've all known it for a long time but now so do the politicians. As Cathy said, with education comes the onus of truth, and now that it is undeniable by the world at large - now governments have to act... it'll be like peer pressure.  

  3. # Blogger CBEMN

    Siemens and BP have stepped up in a big way... and now other CEOs will be under the gun to do the same. But youa re right; we need the government to respond and enforece as well.

    Let's see how things unfold this spring. But we can't wait too long to wait for a response; Individuals Canadians will need to pressure the government in order for them to be forced to respond.
    We are living in a vital moment; future generations will be grading us on our response; let's not fail.  

  4. # Blogger jeremytibbetts

    I'm not sure that anything will change due to this report... those who knew humans were the cause of global warming before the report will continue to argue that... and those who thought it wasn't the cause of humans will continue to argue that its made up or a conspiracy in some way... in my opinion... whether a person believes that it humans causing this phenomenon or some other cause... the least we could do is try and reduce our carbon omissions... if thats not the cause... at least we did something... its better to go out fighting.. then to die on our knees..  

  5. # Blogger jeremytibbetts

    PS... i know thats a little dramatic... but basically what i'm saying is it wont hurt to reduce the pollution in our atmosphere...  

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Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Blog was initiated as part of the inaugural "Sustainability Across the Curriculum" workshop, held at SMU on May 12, 2010. This is part of the Teacher Scholar programme for 2010-2011. If you have any posts, curriculum, ideas or inspired content that you would like to include, please send it to Dr. Cathy Conrad, the 2010-2011 Teaching Scholar, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography. I look forward to moderating this site and linking useful and relevant information. I hope you find it useful!


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