Demand Action

Demand Action.
The head of the IPCC compared the climate change science report that came out yesterday to 50 Pearl Harbours when asked how the world should respond. One day later, and the issue is off the front page of the news. Why is social, ethical, moral and environmental well-being so reprehensible to so many? Is it that the evil-doers might just turn out to be us? That we are the villians? When faced with information, we are no longer ignorant and can not remain in our formerly blissful state. The fact is that this information is inconvenient. But take inconvenient and run with it, because a decade from now, we might wish for inconvenient.

9 Responses to “Demand Action”

  1. # Blogger Leah Tanner

    After I saw the movie, i came home and wanted to talk about it with my roomate. she looked at me as if i was crazy as i was explaining some of ot, and said that she was not going to loose any sleep over it. I think that people are just lazy and feel like it's not their problem, these are the same kind of people who never vote, because either they're too lazy or they just don't care. meanwhile, i changed six of the lightbulbs in our apartment on wednsday for those energy savers, and began recycling again. I don't even think my roomate know's we have bluebags now.  

  2. # Blogger AdamHarris

    "Fishers to fight against trawler"
    Here's a link to an article that was in the Cronicle-Herald today about fisherman confronting DFO.  

  3. # Blogger jane

    It’s crazy to think what will happen in our life time if we continue at this rate and that there is still so little being done about it. The changes I make in my everyday life seem so insignificant along with telling my friends, coworkers, and family all that I have learned, lecturing them when they, for example, don’t recycle, leave the lights or heat on when it’s not necessary. I keep telling myself that it does make a difference, but it just doesn’t seem like enough. It’s so frustrating that people who have the power in their hands right now to make a difference by forcing people to change their ways, are not utilizing this power and taking on this responsibility.  

  4. # Blogger Stephanie

    I had the same problem at my house. I'm forever trying to tell them not to keep turning the heat on when all you need is a blanket but they figure since theres so much pollution by big-name companies that our little bit of heat saved won't amount to much.. it annoys me to no end!  

  5. # Blogger Lyndsay

    I'v always been sort of environmentally conscience but now more than ever, espcially when you live with people who are not. I think most people think that in order to make a difference to slow down global warming that we need to take drastic steps. If we start with the little things like turning the lights off when you aren't in the room, separating the garbage into the right containers and washing your clothes only when its a full load, we will see improvemens that will show people how important the little things are. We do have time before anything drastic is required, if we start now, it will be easier to make the transition if it is necessary.

  6. # Blogger jeremytibbetts

    I went to the website that Al Gore mentioned in the interview, to do the carbon calculator test. Its only for american states, however I chose Maine for proximity reasons. It turns out that I produce more carbon in a year then the average american... I am actual shocked. I have never thought that I produce as much as the carbon calculator says... as for the "show what you know by what you do" project... it has become clear to me that I must change my ignorant ways... that I thought to be not that bad. so before I start having discussions in schools or with groups of people to change their views on the environment... I would have to practice what I preach...  

  7. # Blogger CBEMN

    Great discussion, you guys!
    You will be role models. You already are.

  8. # Blogger Josh Blakeney

    i went to the web site suggested on the video and i am please to anounce that my wife and i combined are "much smaller than average" compared the national average of pollutant tons per year. That has to be worth something.  

  9. # Blogger Scott Sawler

    The best movie made ever. Period!  

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Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Blog was initiated as part of the inaugural "Sustainability Across the Curriculum" workshop, held at SMU on May 12, 2010. This is part of the Teacher Scholar programme for 2010-2011. If you have any posts, curriculum, ideas or inspired content that you would like to include, please send it to Dr. Cathy Conrad, the 2010-2011 Teaching Scholar, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography. I look forward to moderating this site and linking useful and relevant information. I hope you find it useful!


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