Up-coming Events

WWF’s Atlantic Region office is hosting a Living Luncheon series, taking place at the Halifax Club in Halifax. Join us on Monday, March 5th from 12 noon to 1:15 p.m. and hear Dr. Christopher Taggart speaking on "Canada's Endangered Right Whales: How Can We Stop Killing Them Off?" Also join us on Thursday, April 26th to hear Dr. Evan Edinger speak about "Deep-Sea Corals: Why Should We Care?" For more details or to purchase tickets, please contact Maya Ahmad at (902) 482-1105 Ext. 38 or mahmad@wwfcanada.org

Canadians for Kyoto

Nation-Wide Kyoto Rally Sunday March 11th Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Canadians for Kyoto Rally is an independent initiative whose ultimate goal is to have Canada recommit to the Kyoto Protocol. It will be taking place simultaneously across the nation. http://www.canadiansforkyoto.com

If you are willing to dedicate time, energy or resources to this cause,contact us immediately. Leah Boutiller Email : LDBOUTIL@DAL.CA
Ryan Timoffee Email: canadiansforkyoto@hotmail.com

Climate Action Network Canada

This is a great network to follow and their web site is full of interesting and meaningful information and links. I particularly like their "adopt an MP" program. I've adopted McGuinty. Poor man...


Kyoto and Canadians

CBC news online has just reported that opposition MPs passed the Kyoto bill despite Tory resistance: even though the ruling Conservatives voted against it, opposition parties pushed through a Liberal MP's bill requiring the government to meet Kyoto targets.

The fact of the matter is that even meeting Kyoto targets is simply not enough. I was reading through some of the comments that Canadians were posting on the CBC site in response to this and felt physically sick by some of them. There is so much mis-information. And, so many poeple who just don't give a shit. If they get the impression that they have to give up anything in their overly plush lives, then forget about it. One even said that we will become a third world country. We shouldn't ignore such opinions. In fact, we need to confront them. Where to begin....

More Spin

As Al Gore addresses our Environment Minister.

Climate Science Blog

This is one of the best blogs on Climate Science, with leading atmpospheric researchers regularly contributing to it. Take a look. Hopefully you'll continue to regularly read it.

Two great documentaries


Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world!’
-Joel Barker

Here's one way to become a millionaire!

British airline tycoon Richard Branson announced on Friday a $25-million prize for the first person or group to find a way to remove billions of tonnes of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Go here to find out how to enter the contest!

Potential Job/Intern/Thesis Opportunity

The Coastal CURA (housed at SMU) expects to have a limited number of opportunities in coming months for student employment and/or student involvement in research activities, on themes of community-based integrated coastal management. These opportunities will include (1) a variety of forms of research assistant employment,
(2) local site-specific studies with individual project partners, and
(3) broader policy-level research, on themes relating to local-level use and management of fisheries, coasts and oceans.

Examples of specific possibilities for research include investigating (a) community-based management models in the Maritimes and elsewhere; (b) the value of the inshore fisheries and of fishermen’s role in coastal planning processes; (c) the structure of community based organizations and their ability to adapt to changes in the fishery and meet the demands of integrated management practices, and (d) changes in traditional values associated with food access (fisheries and other food) in First Nations communities.

The required work could be undertaken as a thesis or as part of an internship and/or project. Funding is available to support the work, but details of the funds will be worked out on a case-by-case basis once the scope of the work is determined. We are willing to discuss possibilities for various levels of student participation depending on academic program requirements.

Talk to me if you might be interested,

Class Cancelled

Sorry guys; class is cancelled today (Thursday, February 8).Apologies for any inconvenience; you can work on your "show what you know" assignment.We will be covering Bottom Trawling next week.

Thursday, Feb. 8: Bottom Trawling

Living Oceans

This is another great link for your "show what you know.." assignment. Regardless if you use it for that specific assignment or not, it is a great site.

Here's a way to spend your Valentine's Day...(Seriously)

Saint Mary’s University is pleased to invite you attend a lecture in our Fisheries and Coastal Lecture Series.

Douglas C. Wilson and Clara Ulrich-Rescan of the Institute for Fisheries Management and Coastal Community Development, North Sea Centre in Denmark will be presenting a lecture entitled:The Science-Policy Interface in Fisheries Management

On Wednesday, February 14, 2007
10:30 am
Secunda Boardroom, 4th Floor Sobey Building
Saint Mary’s Unviersity

Demand Action

Demand Action.
The head of the IPCC compared the climate change science report that came out yesterday to 50 Pearl Harbours when asked how the world should respond. One day later, and the issue is off the front page of the news. Why is social, ethical, moral and environmental well-being so reprehensible to so many? Is it that the evil-doers might just turn out to be us? That we are the villians? When faced with information, we are no longer ignorant and can not remain in our formerly blissful state. The fact is that this information is inconvenient. But take inconvenient and run with it, because a decade from now, we might wish for inconvenient.

Global Warning

So the IPCC report came out today. And the media around the world is reporting the results. Let's move forward from the science and think about, discuss, and use our imaginations to effect change. It begins now.

Listen to the summary from the co-convenors of the IPCC meeting here, which can be accessed from the main IPCC web site (look at the right-hand-side bar). I will be summarizing the findings of all the reports next week. You can start to think about what actions you can take; here is a good place to start

Japan to cut bluefin tuna catch

This article was posted on the Ocean Channel today, which was ironic, given that we were talking about tuna in class today.

My Photo
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Blog was initiated as part of the inaugural "Sustainability Across the Curriculum" workshop, held at SMU on May 12, 2010. This is part of the Teacher Scholar programme for 2010-2011. If you have any posts, curriculum, ideas or inspired content that you would like to include, please send it to Dr. Cathy Conrad, the 2010-2011 Teaching Scholar, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography. I look forward to moderating this site and linking useful and relevant information. I hope you find it useful!


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