Nfld Seal Hunt set to begin on Monday
4 Comments Published by CBEMN on Friday, April 06, 2007 at 6:27 PM.
And the protesters are coming out of the woodwork. I wish they would be as active in raising awareness about climate change; this is ultimately going to seal the seal's fate. Not the seal hunt. How much carbon dioxide did the Humane Society spew into the atmosphere flying their helicopters around the ocean? We're the problem; not individual fishermen, who likely live far more sustainably than most North Americans. Look at the big picture. And stop making the seal hunt protest an annual fundraiser.
I totally agree! It can be so frustrating when people don't look at the big picture. If they want a world for the seals to live in, and ice flows, then maybe they would give some attention to global warming.
I totally agree with erin.
Again, I totally agree, if they would just look at the big picture they would wake up a little. Soon these fishermen aren't going to have anything left to live on. Maybe these protesters should spend some time in their shoes
global warming is the big picture. also, if protesters do not want to see what happens during the seal hunt they should stay home and plant trees